
Este Blogue tem como objectivo a discussão da violência em geral e da guerra na Pré-História em particular. A Arqueologia da Península Ibérica tem aqui especial relevo. Esperamos cruzar dados de diferentes campos do conhecimento com destaque para a Antropologia Social. As críticas construtivas são bem vindas neste espaço, que se espera, de conhecimento.

Guerra Primitiva\Pré-Histórica
Violência interpessoal colectiva entre duas ou mais comunidades políticas distintas, com o uso de armas tendo como objectivo causar fatalidades, por um motivo colectivo sem hipótese de compensação.

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Italian journal on Conflict Archaeology

Apr 9

To see this message received from the editors of a journal in Italy. I am sure there are people out there who can contribute along the lines they suggest. I think contact them directly if you are interested. The contact email address is:

We are Marco Milanese and Giovanni Cerino-Badone.
In Italy we have a review dedicated to post-medieval archaeology (late
XV - XX Century) titled Archeologia Postmedievale.

We decided to devote the next number to the conflict archaeology. It
will by a monograph dedicated to the archaeological aspect of the war.
The chronological arch we cover ranging from the sixteenth to the
twentieth century.

Since it will be the first time that in Italy it will be presented the
concept of “conflict archaeology” it is essential for us to have
articles about the experiences of excavation outside Italy.

As deadline for the article October 20 might be a reasonable date and
that 80,000 characters including spaces, plus up to 15 images can fit.
The language will be english.

Pending your kind feedback,
Best Regards,

Marco Milanese, Giovanni Cerino-Badone

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